Work on Stained Glass Scroll

The first step is always the pencil drawing. Here it is compared to the original stained glass window this piece is based on.

Cut cut cut! This was done with an xacto knife and I think it took around 30 hours to finish this part.

Next was the mid layer, cut from much thinner paper. This only had the holes cut out with none of the inner details. This was a very important layer that helped keep the gel layer in.

Next was cutting out the offical scroll text: short was the name of the game here.

Add silver paint for pop!

Next is what I referred to as the "scaffolding" layer. This is the top, mostly decorative, layer that mimics the window frames and stone support structures in the original building.
It also helps keep the middle layer stable and adds visual interest.

I love color! This is when the project really started to come together. All the lighting gel is glued on with school glue glue sticks, because somehow that's the glue that worked best for this application.

Slap some red in the text, glue the top two layers onto the base, apply the wax seal, and you're done! This bad boy took a *long* time to complete, but I really think the end results were well worth the effort.